Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Genius of the East: Emergence of Practicality

by: Kissel Cablayda

Professor Du Sautoy’s second presentation on the history of mathematics “The Genius of The East” unfolded the development of a more practical mathematics, greatly discovered by the eastern civilization. Hence, the development of the number systems from different culture shows how mathematics has become the spine in which human life depends.
            In his first quest on how and why math developed (The language of the universe), he discovered the early yet less workable forms of mathematics in the old civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia. However, the second episode shows the turning point of the story in which eastern cultures found out more efficient and practical ways to symbolize numerals, particularly, the bamboo rods of China, the discovery of zero number in India and the Hindu-Arabic numerals of Islamic Empire in which we now conveniently use.
            Other remarkable math discoveries that street ahead of Europe are China’s magic squares, geometric proportion, equations, the Chinese remainder theorem that preceded practical internet cryptography and Chin’s approximation method. Most of these Chinese discoveries were learnt way ahead of the geniuses of Europe. India’s “Shunya” or the belief of nothingness resulted to the discovery of zero. India also had the breakthrough of infinity by dividing one by zero, the concept of debt led to idea of negative numbers, the fundamental theory of trigonometry, and the précised value for Pi, discovered two centuries earlier than Leibnitz. The intellectual curiosity plus the assertion of the importance of knowledge in the Islamic Empire led to two major discoveries: the Hindu-Arabic numerals that speed up calculations, which then became the number of choice not only by the empire but by the world as a whole, and Algebra, which became the “grammar” of modern mathematical language.
            All of these mathematical discoveries provide a pattern in which one can observe that the early civilizations are aiming to get away from the strenuous and inconvenient old counting systems. A good example of this is the adaptation of Hindu-Arabic numerals by the European culture. Although it was initially banned because of some socio-cultural factors, the need to be efficient and progressive pave the way to make the Roman numerals inferior to Hindu-Arabic numerals. Hence, progress of eastern discoveries continually develops as it was adopted and improved until the beginning of the dark ages in Europe.
            It is also interesting to observe the interrelationship of these early societies and how it affected different mathematical discoveries. The formation of the Hindu-Arabic numerals is a clear example of how one part of a culture diffuses to the other. Although one of the initial intentions of the Islamic Empire in creating the Hindu numerals is to create exclusivity or what Du Sautoy stated as “a mathematics of their own”, it is clear that they have adopted these numerals, including the concept of zero, from translating other people’s mathematics, namely India. Hence, the diffusion of culture and knowledge continues as the Hindu-Arabic numerals were adopted into the European culture. Thus creating a greater impact as it is continually spreading all over the world.
            However, even though the content of episode is generally educational, the way it was presented remains arguable. The technicalities of the episode are a bit ineffective. It doesn’t maintain one’s attention as the visuals and the audio do not coincide to relay a single message. Video clips that do not directly associate to what du Sautoy’s statements are, unfortunately, more prevalent in this episode compared to the first one. This is drearier by default. Because of this shortcoming, the viewer’s recall to the message of the episode would be weak and inadequate, unless it would be viewed repeatedly, but then impractical. (Forgive me for being an avid critic of the technical aspects; I’m a CommArts student by the way.)
But generally, the main content satisfyingly shows that the eastern civilization indeed steered the wheel of mathematical knowledge into a more advanced yet efficient and practical level. As it gave birth to systems that speed up solving common mathematical problems in the community, like in the field of Architecture, Engineering and Economics, the modern world owes a lot from these contributing societies because their discoveries are the predecessors of the knowledge and technologies the humans are currently dependent of.

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