Friday, March 28, 2014

Computers Group Report

I learned a lot from the activities that our group has conducted last week. I was also highly entertained, since the topic, computers, is somewhat my forte. Of course, I'm not good with the history and development of the machine, but when it comes to practical applications, most of us can relate and explain since we have been using computers for a long time already.

The first thing we did was the games. Each station has a game that relates to computers, and it was more on the practical applications. The first station was about typing speed, where the groups tested how fast they can type. Another station involved logos and icons, mainly to test the knowledge of the groups on the modern websites, hardware, and desktop icons. The third stage involved a logic game called unblock me, and it was to show that from computers of the ancient times, several gadgets have emerged too like the iPad, mp3 player, printer, and various gaming platform. The 4th and 5th station was more like a trivia tame of the history and parts of the computer. These games’ purpose was to give them more knowledge about the development of computers.

The scoring was different per station: For the history station, each already had 50 points, but 3 will be deducted for every wrong answer and 5 will be added for every right one. For both the logo and the parts of the computer station, there are +5 for every right answer and -3 for every wrong one. The unblock me game based its score on how many levels one group could finish in 5 minutes. The last station was accuracy in typing, and the score was in percent. Since there is no total number of points, the group with the highest score is perfect and the scores of the others were based on that. The final scores are:

Number systems: 98/100
Algebra: 100/100
Geometry: 89/100
Statistics: 80/100

The debate we had was relatable to most of the class, since the statement to be argued was "illegal downloaders should be punished". Of course, most of the class voted that they should not be punished, since all of us were illegal downloaders anyway. The main point of the government's side was it is in the law that copying media without permission is illegal, and copyright infringement was punishable by the law. Also, a lot of music and movie companies would lose their money if the act of piracy is continued. Piracy is also the reason why tickets of concerts have become expensive. I belonged to the opposition side, which was the side which most of the audience believed in. the strong points were that some people wouldn't even be famous if it wasn't for piracy, and that it would be very impractical to try to punish ALL pirates, because that would comprise almost all of the internet users. In the end, everyone still voted for the opposition side.

The last activity was our movie, which I believe stated the importance of computers for modern life. Nowadays, it is very difficult to study in school without the help of computers, since most of the activities involve file sharing, making documents and computing for grades. The movie was more inclined to the use of computers for forensics, but the first part discussed a bit about the types of software and showed how most of the students used laptops during class to take notes, or listen to music. It involved a murder, and the way the duo solved the case was through using computers.

All in all, I had a lot of fun during our week, but a bit of stress too since editing the movie was not easy. I appreciated computers even more, especially when i learned about its humble beginnings. I just hope that our classmates have also learned about the importance of computers from us, but I think they are already very much aware of how computers have changed the course of human life.

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