Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Philosophy and the “Humane” Mathematics

by: Kissel Cablayda

Reuben Hersh’s “What is Math, Really?” generally attempts to debunk the traditional notion of how mathematics is ideally viewed or treated. These three mainstream mathematical ideologies are Platonism, Formalism and Intuitionism. The book is a good read for those who are already enthusiastic in Math but an unsteady platform for those who are still finding their enthusiasm.
 As mentioned in his book, Platonism asserts that “mathematical entities exists outside space and time, outside thought and matter, in an abstract realm independent of any consciousness, individual or social”. It is something existing out there, maybe an answer to a problem still waiting to be figured out. While Formalism, as what Hersh posits that “mathematics is a meaningless game played by explicit arbitrary rules”. One may understand the prescribed rules but it can be broken or be modified when played. Intuitionism, on the other hand, is described by Hersh as “the acceptance of the set of natural numbers as the fundamental datum of mathematics from which all meaningful mathematics must be obtained through a process of finite construction that does not make use of the law of the excluded middle”. Perhaps, the knowledge on numbers is acquired naturally or through intuition, with no consideration to rational processes.
All of these traditional guiding principles were criticized by Hersh and that he strongly argues that the better way to philosophize mathematics is through the Humanistic approach. He debates that Platonism creates a disconnected aura of an “abstract existence” and the “material reality”. Hence, “this independence of individuals, makes mathematics seems immaterial and inhuman” as what he pointed out. He also argue that the cold arbitrary rules mentioned in formalism is not valid as rules are products of long “interactions and pressures of the society and the physiological and biological environment of earth”. He then argues that natural numbers “given by a supreme being” is not universally true because the cognitive development of a person is based on his experiences from his or her environment, “constructed in the person’s mind through coordinating concepts of set inclusion and ordering”. His argument on intuitionism then continued on the second part of his book, in which Hersh points out Piaget’s significant contribution to cognitive psychology and its relationship to the philosophy of mathematics.
It is agreeable that mathematics must be “understood as a human activity, a social phenomenon, a part of human culture, historically evolved, and intelligible only in a social context” or what he calls humanist perspective. It is indeed unarguable that Mathematics was established because of the humans’ need to self-actualization. But what Hersh failed to expound are the outcomes if one adopts the concept of a humanist and how it differs from the outcomes of the three ideologies he tried to debunk. This would left the readers a “so what?” kind of disposition, wondering what unique and significant impact would this contributes to the greater body of mathematical knowledge.
Although Hersh uses simple mathematical terms or formulas that can be understood by an average learner, it is still not appropriate for readers who are new to the Philosophy of Math. He positions his book for readers who are already acquainted of the ideas discussed in this book. Although there is a lengthy introduction explaining the basic concepts of Platonism, Formalism and Intuitionism, still, the language is a bit technical and intimidating creating an exclusive environment for those who are highly acquainted of math. Beginners would have a hard time understanding the merging of Philosophical and Mathematical idea as the treatment of the writer is clearly intended for people with high interest in Mathematical Philosophy.
From a perspective of a student not from the field of mathematics, it is hard to digest the ideas Hersh is trying to relay as it would take time to process the connection of Philosophy and Math. And because comprehending his deep mathematical thoughts would take a great amount of time and energy, it creates a demanding and exhausting impression. It could have been a lot interesting if it was taken into an open discussion inside the classroom rather than digesting it individually (so the exhaustion could have been shared by everyone equally). It looks like it is trying to homogenize the different complex functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This educational material could have been a lot useful if the basics of these concepts are introduced, on a clear and humble manner, fit for readers from different intellectual disciplines rather than directly indulging the readers into the arguments of how math is viewed and defined in different ideologies. Hence, applying these considerations would make mathematics more “humane”.

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