Friday, March 7, 2014

Life; A never ending game...

A rock has never been as simple unlike how typically people see it. Yet I look at a rock as something that is strong and insusceptible who can destroy the other elements in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Game theory is more diverse. If you thought that it only limits in decision making applied with innovative strategies then you are wrong. It’s more to that. Being exposed with this so called theory makes one rational. It is an interactive learning on what is one’s approach on thinking. From economics to political science, psychology and most importantly logic and biology uses the game theory. I myself is a fan on how logic works, this book opens our minds to some things or patterns that incredibly we do not notice. Logic is my 6th sense. We might not be aware but actually in our daily interaction we have used such strategies in order to survive in our chaotic social world.
While reading the book, it exposes my love for chess. My mom once said to me; you should always anticipate and look after your opponents move, in that way you will not over think. I guess her words of wisdom really work. This example of mine uses the game theory wherein logic is applied. Movements are always predictable that’s why one should always be rational and has the presence of mind. Your mind should be your opponent’s. But one should also consider the color which is a vital factor; the attacker (white) always has the advantage over the other unless he makes even a very small mistake wherein the defender (black) should take the opportunity to steal the lead. Most importantly time is the ultimate manipulator of men, not just in chess but time changes everything, change paces, and can even heal a heart.
Going back to the theory there’s this point Nash equilibrium which is a situation that is dealt in competition. Here both parties think independently and cannot change their course of action without interfering one another. This phenomenon can be rearranged to fix and come up with an outcome that benefits both parties. Enough with these games, cooperation has always been the answer in order to unite forces. Even if the human nature dictates people to be naturally competitive, each one has always his or her cooperative side. Like the famous saying “No man is an island”, interaction between humans is important. Whether if its competition or cooperation it should always be healthy; meaning cheating should be avoided. In these circumstances we see who truly a person is, his behavior and how he acts upon an introduced stimulus. Rock, paper, scissors is a novel that uses a witty approach which at the same time is creative enough to make the reader understand the game theory and its applications in an enjoyable manner. Wrapping it all up the search, competition and connections in life revolve in an infinite loop; a cycle representing human nature that is never ending.
The game theory has always been brought by competition. Win or lose, it’s all about how you play the game.
            ...until you die.

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