Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Book Review II: Way more Biology

                            This is a review of the book ‘Mathematics of Life’ by Ian Stewart. I find it very ‘biology’ to the point that math hasn’t been that reflected in the book. It was like a Biology textbook rather than a Math book interrelated to the matters of life. The book was more focus in the principles and dynamics of Biology, and to my amazement, it was almost complete. I don’t know to others but that’s how it projected to me.  I think no major area of biology was left uncovered. Maybe I did find it useful to my course, but in the essence of appreciating math in the light of this book, maybe this book has gone overboard. This book is not for everybody since it has been so technical in biology. What I mean is, people will not enjoy reading this book, unless you’re biology major or you have this great interest in biology. One thing I didn’t like about this book is that, it can be summarize in just one paragraph yet it was expanded to 300 pages. I like books better when it’s straight to the point, unless it needs some explanation and samples for us to clearly understand it. Sorry, but I find this book so stretched and unnecessary. It could be a good book but  because I read it continually for a whole day, I felt drained after reading it. It felt like all my energy was stolen from me. I didn’t get that happy vibe after reading that book. I wasn’t turned on by the book. Unlike the previous book, I liked this book less. I like books that could teach me different ways of thinking or could take me to the other realms of knowledge, and I didn’t find this in this book. It was like I was just eating and eating facts, without really exercising any thoughts. It seems boring and exhausting. How miserable. Hahaha
                            Though some parts had been so theoretical, I did appreciate specific parts like the theory  of the existence of the UFO and how the writer accentuated the intricate and vast wonder of creation of God. It was kind of a good book as well, though most parts I just skipped because it was retelling all the stories I’ve learned so far in biology. I already learned this all in Bio 9 which I just took last semester. It  discussed the discovery of the cell through the use of microscope, and years before that down to the final discovery of the structure of the DNA.  This discovery unraveled the mystery of life. And now, just  this 20th century, the human genome project has already been completed. Human genes were already been identified and I believe that this is a great tool that we could eventually apply in our lives. It is kinda scary as well because uncontrollable experiments could be unethical.
                          But yeah, in relation to Math, it is really needed to combine this two in order to both improved our understanding to these two subjects. The need to interconnect subjects nowadays has been a trend that I believe would continue as the day passes. As one say, a subject becomes powerful when it is interconnected with other subject that could affirm its validity especially when it is mixed with Mathematics.


  1. Drei! I really liked how you were so honest with your review. :)) It was very precise, yet you have managed to really convey what you want to say. We may not have the same sentiments regarding the book, I still had fun learning about yours! :)) Thumbs up!
