Friday, January 31, 2014

The Land of the Unexplained

                Philosophy introduces us to infinity: infinity of ideas, infinity of questions, and infinity of answers. It entices us to indulge into the world of the unknown...into the world of infinity. Faith, on the other hand, shows us that God is infinite.  The laws of this world are inapplicable to Him for He’s the only abstract thing that’s tangible, and His love is the only one that lasts forever.  Mathematics, one of the building blocks of human life, also exhibits infinity and explores the land of the unexplained.
                From the frontiers of space, Marc du Sautoy now brings us to the infinity and beyond. The story starts off with the Hilbert’s 23 problems. These 23 problems became the stars that guided the mathematics to the Promise land, and the same problems that had saved the world. Georg Cantor was one of the geniuses that had stepped onto the world of infinity. He discovered the infinity of whole numbers, as well as unending list of fractions. One of his legends was the Continuum Hypothesis, which explores on the possibility of different infinities and their sizes. Henri Poncaire was also puzzled by these infinities. As he was struggling to solve the mystery at hand, Poncaire has unintentionally unearthed another masterpiece: the Chaos theory. Topology was then established by Leonard Euler. Two of the greatest theorems on the logic and philosophy of mathematics, generalized as the Incompleteness theorem,  were discovered by Kurt Godel. The first Incompleteness Theorem tackles that  mathematical concepts are true, but there are also those that cannot be proven despite the assumed validity. The second theorem supports that the consistency of such concepts cannot be established.
                Just like philosophy, mathematics also believes that answers must not silence questions; they must stir up curiosity and hunger for proof. The mathematician that had claimed this was Paul Cohen, who stated that there are different mathematical questions, and a question may be answered a dozen, a thousand, or a million times.  But who would’ve thought that women back then also rocked the world of mathematics? Julia Roberts, the formulator of the Robinsons Hypothesis, did rock mathematics well.  Robinsons solved Hilbert’s 10th problem. Hilton’s problem teased mathematicians to discover a solution composed of integers that would solve the Diophantine equations.   Julia Robinsons, along with colleagues, sufficed this question, not by providing the integral solution, but by proving that such solution does not exist at all. A group of French mathematicians, called Nicolas Bourbaki, had also contributed to the infinity of mathematics. Another great mathematician discussed in the story had focused on the structures of mathematics, and believed that breaking down a concept to its basic units are essential to understanding the patterns of mathematics.
                In biology, cell is the structure of life. Prime numbers, on the other hand, are the building blocks of mathematics. Riemann’s Hypothesis dwells on the distribution of prime numbers. And it is with this hypothesis that the narrator himself, Marcus du Sautoy, fell deeply in love with mathematics.
                This last installment of the Story of Maths was indeed the best one. Truly, the different facades of mathematics were shown, from it being the universal language up to being the gate to infinity and beyond. With mathematics, confusions are cleared, and the world becomes more concrete. This I guess is the essence of mathematics.
 May the words of Hilbert saying “We must know. We will know.” keep the fire burning. J

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