Friday, January 31, 2014

Mathematical Journey of Ravi

                   A Certain Ambiguity, a mathematical novel, a book written with the plot of following the steps of Ravi Kapoor in realizing his passion and interest in the course of mathematics. It was able to cover the topics of infinity, certainty and faith.
                The plot started with the flashback of Ravi to the time where his Bauji (Hindi for grandfather), gave him a calculator as a gift on his 12th birthday. From this day on, the calculator introduced him to the world of numbers, shapes and patterns—mathematics. His grandfather showed him a trick involving three-digit numbers. With his fascination, the number that he typed on his calculator, even after the division of 11, 13 and 7, was retrieved at the end of the process.  The next morning, he found out that his bauji died without fulfilling the promise of giving him another puzzle to be solved. With his calculator in hand, he found his mother crying over the lifeless body of his grandfather. From then on, the story showed how the death of his father, Vijay Sahni, affected the life of Ravi and his interest in mathematics.
                With his grandfather’s money left for his education, Ravi enrolled in Stanford and pursued a degree in economics. He soon gets acquainted with a professor in mathematics, Nico Aliprantis, who, later on, had a great influence in Ravi’s rediscovering his passion in math. Ravi, rather than signing up for his economic subjects, chose to attend Nico’s subject, “Thinking about Infinity”. There, he found a friend other than Peter, in the form of Adin and his later love interest Claire. During the discussions in the class, several topics such as Zeno’s argument, Cantor’s theory and Continuum Hypothesis were covered. The good thing about this book is that through every situation, mathematics is always mentioned. Also, the way of explaining such complex theorems and concepts were surprisingly understandable and can be easily comprehended. This may be due to the delivery of the characters and how they can connect it with several examples that can be easily related to.
                 At one point in the story, Ravi discovered that his late bauji was imprisoned for some reason in New Jersey, USA in 1919. With his great curiosity and disbelief that his great grandfather can be involved in such event, led him to investigate the reasons behind how Sahni was in that circumstance. He sooner found out, with the help of Claire’s mother, that it was because of Sahni’s view over the religious belief of Christianity that, according to the people of New Jersey, was an act against the Blasphemy Law of the state. He pointed out, as what Ravi read in some documents recording the conversation of Judge Taylor and his grandfather, that religion is an illogical concept of belief since there is no solid proof of what the people believe in. He related this to the concept of mathematics, because of his understanding in numbers and the patterns behind, lead him to realize such view about religion. This part of the story can be a very confusing one. It is because your personal faith and beliefs are challenge by the arguments and explanations of Sahni. He, according to Ravi, was a very open-minded person and never criticized the beliefs of others, especially religion, when he was still alive. This discovery has left Ravi confused to the true personality of his beloved bauji. From this on, the story evolved until such time that Ravi found his passion again and chose to be a mathematician rather than a successful economist and also found his love in the persona of Claire.
                Also, through the perspective of Adin, a person who is interested in finding out the true reason of life, mathematics was characterized as a doorway into answering the questions behind the obvious things in nature where a certain proof and solid reasoning is offered. In this view, the philosophy, another complex field of study, can be understandably connected with mathematics. Philosophy is a study of knowledge, of how things are considered certain or how such idea can be accepted as true. It was clearly pictured out by the authors, that through mathematics, these questions can be answered.
                I was fascinated with the concept of infinity. Because of this book, I was able to discover that mathematics can never be contained into just equations and shapes. There is more coming and more discoveries are still left unveiled, left for the next generation to find out and conceptualized. This concept was very new to me and can be considered as a new knowledge.
                Generally, the book was well constructed by the authors. They were able to relay some of the complex concepts into the readers in such a fashionable and understandable way. it was surprising at the end of the story that you were able to understand what the characters were talking about and can even feel their passion for mathematics. I give my appreciation to the writing skills of the authors.
                Halfway through the story, you can feel the developing love between the Ravi and Claire. But expecting a more focus on this aspect, left me a bit disappointed and hanging. The authors should have expanded their story and showed how this romance was able to inspire and influence the life of Ravi. Overall, the book was very informative and can be helpful in realizing the importance and concepts behind mathematics. A course that can be reflected in a very wide range of other studies and a very wide range of people’s understanding of the world and the numbers behind it.

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