Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Golden Age of Mathematics

Mathematics is a science that deals with numbers and arithmetic. It helps in understanding the changing world. It involves numbers, shapes and letters to represent and explain. In the third episode of the story of maths which is titled as the frontiers of space, the different mathematicians of Europe during the 17th and 18th century were featured. These mathematicians lead the golden age of mathematics where the foundation of the modern math was formed.

The first popular person featured was Piero dela Francesca. Even he is mathematician but an artist, his works is greatly influenced by geometry. He introduced the illusion of perspective where imaginary lines meet at a vanishing point. The masterpiece of art of dela Francesca is also a masterpiece of mathematics.

The next person featured was Rene Descartes. He is a philosopher and mathematician. He helps in understanding the geometry with the help of algebra. He merges to the two branch of mathematics to form a theorem. The theorem states that curve lines can be represented by an algebraic equation. The different equations formed will tell us if the curve is parabola, eclipse or hyperbola. Geometry is my favorite branch of mathematics because I like shapes. I enjoyed memorizing the theorems in the proving part of geometry during my high years but I doubt now I’m in college its gonna be different and difficult.

Pierre Fermat is one of the person contribute propreties of the prime numbers. His theorems were the basis of the codes protecting the ATM. Hislove for mathematics gave us a view that math can be playful and can be found everywhere.

Isaac Newton, the man responsible for the discovery of gravity, is one of the people contributed for the development of the modern mathematics. Like the people interviewed in London, aside from his contribution to gravity and physics I really don’t know his contribution to mathematics. The documentary featured that he is the one contributed the calculus. Calculus is always my least favorite branch of math. During my high school days, I barely passed my exams in calculus but without it physics will be nothing.

The interesting part about this episode is how Leibniz also discovered the concepts of calculus the same time with Newton and made a conflict about who will have the credits. It is just sad that Leibniz was accused of plagiarism despite his ideas where original and more understandable than Newton. Leibniz is the first person to invent practical calculating machine using the binary system.

I was surprised that the person responsible for the Bernoulli’s equation is part of a family of mathematicians. Nowadays, a family inclined with mathematics is very rare but I was amazed how the Bernoulli family contributed for the concepts making our life easier despite how I struggle in understanding Bernoulli’s equation during high school.

The last person featured was Carl Gauss. He contributed on how prime numbers are distributed. Despite his great contribution to mathematics, he is one of my least favorite because of his unpleasant attitude.

In the end of the documentary, it amazed me how these people make concepts out of space and their sceptical observation in the surrounding. Without these people and their ideas, many things that we enjoy will not be seen and possible in the modern world.

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