Friday, February 14, 2014

Two Days in the First Week of February: A Written Report

Two Days in the First Week of February

We are group Algebra and we were given two meetings for our group project. On the first day, we did our games. The mechanics for our game is simple: finish all the stations since. Obviously, it is amazing race. The mechanics may be simple but our tasks for our students are not. We had six stations and I was assigned as the first station. In my station, the task I made for my classmates was to complete a puzzle out from the pieces I gave them. After they have pictured out the puzzle, an algebraic puzzle was on it and they were to answer it. The problems were simple especially if they remembered what they have learned in math 11. I also gave bonus points once they have put my name on the calculator.
            On our second day, we did our debate, video presentation and another game. The game was like a “pass the message” but the message that they passed was an algebraic problem and the last person at the back will be the one to answer the problem. For the debate, the proposition was: Which Mathematical Perspective should be prioritized in secondary to college level education? I was on the opposition side as the deputy leader of opposition and we are pro-conceptual method.
We have established four points. First, math is inherently conceptual. It is because ever since we were young we are taught first about basic terms and its definitions. We did not go directly into solving without knowing the numbers the symbols and what are operations for. We dwelt on concept first before solving. Second, it builds foundation of knowledge for it influences critical thinking and can be used to derive new knowledge. Concepts are concepts and some of these concepts may be the key to making new concepts. Not just that, we need concepts in order to know what to solve and what is the use of our results. We did not solve for nothing. We arrive to answers because these answers have meaning. Even if we know, how to solve a problem it would still be useless if we do not know why we are doing it or what is the significance of our answers. Third, it can be associated with other concepts or other fields. An example is the field of Geometry where we use the concepts of Algebra and at the same time we make use of concepts in proving. In proving, we don’t necessarily use solving. Last, it removes dependency on ready-made solutions so as a result the students depend on memorization.
As for our video presentation, we discussed Consumer Mathematics. I played the part of Doris Bigornia who had a friend, Kuya Kim, who helped the student on his financial problem. The student was having a problem on his money because it was enough to pay for the tuition. He cannot think of something to make the amount bigger. With my help, I referred him to my friend, Kuya Kim, who told him to borrow from the bank. Kuya Kim has also explained him the interest rate and how much is he going to pay per month. With he money he had borrowed, he started a small business of soap making anf from it he was able to make a profit.

Overall, I realize that Algebra is bigger than what I have imagined it was. It was like I’ve got a taste of my own medicine because I fought for Conceptual method during our debate but before I just kept on solving and solving without knowing the concept. It was like; as long as I can arrive to a correct answer it would be okay. However, it dawned to me that the reason why I never learned was because I am not learning the concept. I also realized that Algebra is not just about As, Bs and operation. There is much more to it. It also branches to other fields such as Physics and Geometry and we sometimes did not observe it. Finally, though I was on conceptual side during the debate, I believe that operational and conceptual method cannot stand alone. They exist together with the other. For one to fully understand Algebra, conceptual method alone is insufficient consequently operational method alone is insufficient. These two go together as a team to relay the science of Algebra.

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