Friday, February 14, 2014

A Week of Hard Work: A written report

                  Before the month of January ends, we, the algebra group were informed that we are going to present a two day of reporting.  The reporting is composes of 3 parts: the debate, the presentation and the games. Before the exact week to come, we had a group conversation in the Facebook where we tackle about the ideas and concept for our upcoming reporting.  We decided to have a video presentation. Since the number system group presented a video about drama and mystery, we decided to pursue the genre of comedy show. The show spoofed were the Mutya ng Masa at Matanglawin.
                On the first Monday of February, we decided to record the video clips in the CSM. I was very late at our meeting time and place because I went home to Gensan in the long weekend and I had to rush coming back to Davao that Monday. I was so happy that the roommates are very understanding. We had not finished recording the scenes, we continued on the next day, Tuesday. Every one of us had the chance to be a star in our video presentation.
                February 3, 2014, Wednesday, the group agreed to spend the first day in playing a modified amazing race. There were six stations and pit stop. Each station was assigned to a specific person and that person was the one responsible facilitating its station. I was assigned in the sixth station; I picked a simple algebra puzzle downloadable in the internet and each group had only five minutes to solve the puzzle. The first group to reach my station had a hard time solving the puzzle and done it for about 4 minutes. The other groups solved the puzzle in just one minute. I decided to give candies in each group but the number of candies will be depending on the time they solved the puzzle. The minimum the time of solving the puzzle corresponds to a higher number of candies. Since each group solved the puzzle before the time limit, I decided to give five points in the overall ranking. At the end of the period, Zam gave us the tabulated scores and the Computer groups had the highest accumulated points.   
                February 4, 2014, Thursday, Zam, Karen and I were assigned to edit the video presentation. We had a hard time completing the video because of some technical difficulties but we still managed to finish the video in time. I spent the remaining time of that night preparing for our debate presentation. I was assigned at the opposition side as the whip speaker. Honestly, it was my first formal debate.
                The final day of the presentation had come and I had a hard time waking up because of the gloomy weather. In this day, we presented a debate discussion and video about consumer mathematics.
 During the debate, we discussed on what approach should be prioritize in teaching algebra in high school and college will be used; the operational approach or the conceptual approach. Each of the approach is significant and essential in understanding algebra. The initial count of vote from the class was government side (operational approach) had 7 votes while the opposition side (conceptual approach) had 8 votes. Each team discussed their arguments.  As the whip speaker of my team, I think I my performance was not enough but still I am happy the debate went all right. Each member of the group gave their best. Overall the debate became successful and interesting.
The video presentation was presented next. Most of us in the group were worried if the class will like it.  The class were silent at first but when they saw the face of Doris Bigornia (Nykka) on the screen they started to cheer. The story of the video evolved on how Doris helped Zeul to solve his problem and to produce its own company of soap. The first part of the story was the meeting of Zeul and Doris (Thank you Milce for being a cameo). Doris discovered Zuel had a problem and she asked kuya Kim (Zam) to help Zeul in his problem. Kuya Kim proposed a solution that he needed to borrow money from the bank. The next scene was Kuya Kim and Zuel went to the bank to borrow money with interest. The bank teller (Karen) entertained their need. Kuya Kim went to his friend scientist (Jaina) to ask for help. They created a formula of soap that helps Zuel in his success. After 1 year, kuya Kim and Zuel returned to the bank and pay the debt with 3.5% interest. The soap company of Zuel became popular and it was advertised (by Sharmaine). The next scene was me acting as a reporter and interviewing people who are using the Kalapati whitening soap (thank you Vyem, Irson, Ivy and Jayson for your participation in the video). The story ends with the scene where Doris closing the program with Zuel and kuya Kim.
I am happy that the class like it and there were laughs during the presentation. As one of the editor of the video, receiving positive feedback about the video made me satisfied with my work.
The class did not end after the video presentation, we had an indoor game. The game had the concept of “pass the message” but instead of a message, equations were the one that was passed in each member of the group and the last one to receive it will be the one to solve for x. At the end of the game the Geometry group won.

After all the presentation and games, I think that we, the algebra group, had done a great job. We developed team work and everything became a success. I hope that the class appreciate the algebra and learn something from our presentation. >_<

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