Thursday, February 20, 2014

Geometry: A Narrative Report

           February 12, 2014. This was the first day of our group performance. On this day, we conducted games which were all related to geometry. I was the one who prepared for the activity, and the games that I chose were entitled (1) Pick Me, (2) Man in the Shadows, (3) Another Egypt, and (4) Eggzoited Much. Four games we selected since there were four groups in the whole class that participated. The 1st game, Pick Me, was sort of a memory game in which the player must match the cards one at a time. The twist in this game was to memorize the cards so as to determine each card’s match.  The second game, Man in the Shadows, dealt with arranging the given various geometric shapes to perfectly fit the shadow representing a man. Hence, a man in the shadows.  Another Egypt, the 3rd game, involved six match sticks and forming them into 4 triangles, 3 of whom have equal sizes. Modifications were done in this game to make it more challenging, such as forming 5 match sticks into a liquid. Do you know the answer? It’s IHI. hahaha . The last game was named Eggzoited Much. Why? Simply because this was a modification of the egg relay. The twist here was that before they are allowed to relay the egg, they must first find the area of the given triangle (formed by yarn) on the ground.  The winner was based on a tally on who first finished each game.  Hence, there was a huge time pressure imposed on the players. Unexpectedly, all the players finished all the games within just about forty-five minutes. However, I was not able to really witness the thrill of the games since I was tasked to stay in the classroom and guard their belongings. L I did a little survey though and my classmates said they really enjoyed the games. Maybe the time pressure added spice to the activity. At the end of the period, I was glad that the first day of reporting was done, and most importantly, the smiles on my friends’ faces lightened up my heart. J
            February 14, 2014.  This was the day of our second and last reporting.  The activities we prepared were a debate and a video presentation. The main argument of the debate was that the shortest distance between two points is always a straight line. The government house, which was the pro, won the debate. I was really nervous during the debate since I knew too well that my nerves would get to me first before I could even finish uttering my words. Even though we did not totally capture the attention of all our classmates, I was glad to see that some were really listening and jiving with us.
The next in line was the video presentation.  In order to present something fresh and unique, we did a musical presentation. The lyrics of the song tackled on the history of the mathematics, and the things that make the world pleasing to the eyes—that is, the geometric shapes. Furthermore, through geometry, the love story of Enno and Vyem (only in the script hahaha), blossomed. After the video, we sang a short song to the whole class about fun and withstanding the challenges of geometry. Indeed, there’s more to geometry than just shapes. J  But wait! What really made that day extra special was the video presentation of Dan Sales to Ivy Dominguez. Oh, how brave that man was! Really, what a sweet, sweet day it had been.

My experiences in making our report taught me a lot of things. But among them all, the most important things I learned were TEAM EFFORT and PATIENCE:  team effort so as to do the work successfully and lightly, and patience for the things and moments that don’t turn out as how you expected them to be.  Due to these, I am now indebted to geometry. ;) 

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